
Ahmed Abbasi is the Joe and Jane Giovanini Endowed Chair Professor in the Department of IT, Analytics, and Operations (ITAO) at the University of Notre Dame. He directs the ITAO Department’s PhD program in Analytics. He also serves as Co-Director for the Human-centered Analytics Lab (HAL). Prior to joining Notre Dame, he was an Endowed Chair, Associate Dean, and Founding Director of the Center for Analytics at the University of Virginia. Ahmed received his Ph.D. in Information Systems from the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Lab at the University of Arizona, with a PhD minor in Cognitive Science. He has an M.S. in Operations Research from Columbia University and attained an M.B.A. and B.S. in Information Technology from Virginia Tech.

Ahmed has over twenty years of experience pertaining to machine learning, predictive analytics, and natural language processing (NLP), with applications in health analytics, online communities, and digital user experience. Ahmed’s research has been funded by over a dozen grants from the National Science Foundation and industry partners such as AWS, Microsoft, eBay, and Oracle. He has also received the IEEE Technical Achievement Award, INFORMS Design Science Award, IBM Faculty Award, and Kemper Faculty Award for his work on human-centered AI.

Ahmed has published over 100 articles in journals such as MISQ, ISR, IEEE TKDE, ACM TOIS, Journal of Marketing, JMIS, and IEEE Intelligent Systems, and top-tier conferences such as ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, ICDM, INFORMS, ICIS, LREC, and BIBM. One of his articles was considered a top publication by the Association for Information Systems. He also won best paper awards at INFORMS, MISQ, ISR, and WITS, and was a finalist for the AMA’s Hunt/Maynard Award. Ahmed’s work has been featured in various media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, the Associated Press, WIRED, CBS, and Fox.

Ahmed serves as Senior Editor for Information Systems Research (ISR) and Associate Editor (AE) for ACM TMIS and IEEE Intelligent Systems. He also previously served as AE at ISR and Decision Sciences Journal, and has served as special AE and guest editor at MISQ. Ahmed is a senior member of the IEEE, has served as chair of the INFORMS College on AI, and has been on program committees for various conferences related to AI, information systems, NLP, text analytics, and data mining. He has also served as co-founder or advisory board member for multiple predictive analytics-related companies.