
Welcome to my personal website. I am the Giovanini Endowed Chair Professor in the Department of IT, Analytics, and Operations at the University of Notre Dame. I attained my Ph.D. in Information Systems from the Artificial Intelligence Lab at the University of Arizona. For more information about me and my research, you can check out my bio and publications.

CV Google Scholar Email: aabbasi @ nd.edu
LinkedIn Human-centered Analytics Lab  PhD in Analytics
Latest Updates
July 2024: Paper acceptance at ACM TMIS reviewing and benchmarking the use of LLMs for online depression detection
June 2024: Paper acceptance at ISR for our discussion on preparedness and response in the "Century of Disasters"
May 2024: Our ISR editorial on pathways for design research on Artificial Intelligence" has been downloaded nearly 5,000 times in the first 3 months!
January 2024: Paper acceptance at MIS Quarterly for our work examining digital experimentation platforms.
December 2023: Call for papers: MISQ special issue on "The Institutional Press in the Digital Age." Submission deadline is December 1, 2024.
November 2023: See our article on "Data Science for Social Good" in the JAIS special issue.
October 2023: Paper acceptance at JMIR Mental Health for our work exploring the efficacy of mental health analysis using machine learning/NLP applied to virtual interviews.
September 2023: Paper acceptance at MIS Quarterly for our work on designing NLP and graph analytics-based social listening platforms for public health 3.0.
December 2022: Excited to win the 2021 INFORMS ISR best paper award for our paper on predicting user susceptibility to phishing attacks.
October 2022: Paper acceptance at EMNLP 2022 on background-aware representation learning for detecting background shifts.
March 2022: Paper acceptance at NAACL 2022 for our work on quantifying multi-dimensional language model bias in downstream user-generated text-based modeling tasks: "Benchmarking Intersectional Biases in NLP"
February 2022: Excited to give an invited talk to eBay's Data Science team on our collaborative research related to "Examining User Heterogeneity in Digital Experiments"
February 2022: Paper acceptance at ACL 2022 for our work on auto-debiasing language models without relying on pre-defined lists of de-biasing terms and keywords: "Auto-Debias: Debiasing Masked Language Models with Automated Biased Prompts"
January 2022: Paper acceptance at Information Systems Research for our work on NLP methods for text-based measurement of personality.
December 2021: Paper acceptance at IEEE BIBM 2021 for our work related to adverse event detection.
November 2021: Paper acceptance and presentation at EMNLP 2021 related to our work on constructing psychometric testbeds for fair NLP.
November 2021: Paper presentation at MIT CODE for our work examining user and session heterogeneity in online controlled experiments. This work is a joint collaboration between our human-centered analytics lab (HAL) and eBay's Digital Experimentation Data Science team.
September 2021: Thrilled to be featured in ND Research for my work on human-centered AI.
June 2021: We're looking for smart, motivated students for our PhD in Analytics program offered through the ITAO department.
April 2021: Honored that our paper examining online user journeys was a finalist for the American Marketing Association's 2020 Hunt/Maynard Award.
March 2021: Inviting submissions to our Information Systems Research special issue on "Disaster Response." The call for papers can be found on the ISR website.
January 2021: Work related to our NSF-funded research on user behavior modeling was recently published or is forthcoming. One paper focuses on predicting user behavior in real-time field environments. Another explores the importance of trust calibration for understanding user behavior in AI-augmented settings.
December 2020: Really enjoyed being a mentor for the AMCIS 2020 and ICIS 2020 doctoral consortiums. The doctoral students demonstrated an amazing level of grit, intellect, and intestinal fortitude.
November 2020: Greatly appreciative of my fellow co-organizers for IEEE ISI 2020 and INFORMS Workshop on Data Science. Pulling off conferences and workshops during COVID is never easy!
October 2020: Our student-led paper on Deep Generative models for forecasting was accepted at IEEE ICDM Workshops.
October 2020: Two paper acceptances at IEEE ISI 2020. One was based on an undergraduate thesis led by two excellent students.
September 2020: Honored to have given a keynote at the AI Symposium hosted by the Memorial University of Newfoundland. Canada is doing amazing things in the AI space!
September 2020: Inviting submissions to our Journal of AIS special issue on "Data Science for Social Good." The call for papers can be found on the JAIS website.
September 2020: Our 2019 article related to detecting adverse events was the most downloaded article in Information Systems Research over the past 12 months.
August 2020: Honored to be part of the INFORMS ISS DSR Award selection committee. These awards are a fantastic way to recognize impactful design research. For more details about the award, visit the website.
August 2020: Thrilled that our paper examining adverse event detection using web search queries was accepted at IEEE TKDE. The preprint can be viewed in the IEEE Digital Library.
August 2020: Our 2020 article related to psychometric NLP was the most downloaded article in ACM TOIS over the past 12 months.
July 2020: Very excited that our paper related to predicting user susceptibility to phishing attacks was accepted at Information Systems Research. The open access version can be viewed in INFORMS Online.
June 2020: Our "NLP for Social Good" project is being sponsored by Oracle for Research.
May 2020: Congratulations to my student, Faizan Ahmad, for successfully defending his thesis. He will be joining Facebook next month.
May 2020: Our paper on NLP to derive behavioral constructs from text is forthcoming in MIS Quarterly.
April 2020: Excited that our "path to purpose" paper examining omni-channel customer journeys is forthcoming in the Journal of Marketing
January 2020: Very happy to be part of the NSF-funded "Stroke Belt Project" examining patient empowered health platforms: AJKD Paper JCA Paper HBR Article
December 2019: Honored that my collaborators and I were awarded the 2019 INFORMS Design Science Award for our work at the intersection of design and machine learning in the context of natural language processing
September 2019: Our HBR digital article on the risks of AutoML just appeared on the HBR website