Journal Publications

Journal Publications
61. Abbasi, A., Somanchi, S., and Kelley, K. "The Critical Challenge of using Large-scale Digital Experiment Platforms for Scientific Discovery," MIS Quarterly, forthcoming.
60. Qin, R., Cook, R., Yang, K., Abbasi, A., Dobolyi, D., … Clifford, G. "Language Models for Online Depression Detection: A Review and Benchmark Analysis on Remote Interviews," ACM Transactions on MIS, forthcoming.
59. Zheng, R., Li, J., Zivkovic, M., and Abbasi, A. "Automating in High-Expertise, Low-Label Environments: Evidence-Based Medicine by Expert-Augmented Few-Shot Learning," MIS Quarterly, forthcoming.
58. Mao, W., Qiu, X., and Abbasi, A. “LLMs and Their Applications in Medical Artificial Intelligence,” ACM Transactions on MIS, forthcoming.
57.Yang, Y., Lalor, J. P., Abbasi, A., and Zeng, D. "Hierarchical Deep Document Model," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 37(1), 2025, pp. 351-364.
56. Bevilacqua, M., Oketch, K., Qin, R., Stamey, W., Zhang, X., Gan, Y., Yang, K. Abbasi, A. "When Automated Assessment Meets Automated Content Generation: Examining Text Quality in the Era of GPTs," ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 43(2), 2025, no. 2, pp. 1-36.
55. Abbasi, A., Parsons, J., Pant, G., Sheng, O., and Sarker, S. "Pathways for Design Research on Artificial Intelligence," Information Systems Research, 35(2), 2024, pp. 1-19. PDF
54. Kitchens, B., Claggett, J., and Abbasi, A. "Timely, Granular, and Actionable: Designing a Social Listening Platform for Public Health 3.0," MIS Quarterly, 48(3), 2024, pp. 899-930.
53. Lalor, J. P., Abbasi, A., Oketch, K., Yang, Y., and Forsgren, N. “Should Fairness be a Metric or a Model? A Model-based Framework for Assessing Bias in Machine Learning Pipelines,” ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 42(4), 2024, no. 99, pp. 1-41. Selected for presentation at ACM SIGIR. PDF
52. Abbasi, A., Merrill, R. L., Rao, R., and Sheng, O. “Preparedness and Response in the Century of Disasters: Overview of Information Systems Research Frontiers,” Information Systems Research, 35(2), 2024, pp. 460-468.
51. Jiang, Z., Seyedi, S., Griner, E., Abbasi, A., Rad, A. B., Kwon, H., Cotes, R. O., & Clifford, G. D. "Evaluating and Mitigating Unfairness in Multimodal Remote Mental Health Assessments," PLOS Digital Health, 3(7), 2024, e0000413.
50. Jiang, Z., Seyedi, S., Griner, E., Abbasi, A., Bahrami Rad, A., Kwon, H., Cotes, R. O., Clifford, G. D. "Multimodal mental health digital biomarker analysis from remote interviews using facial, vocal, linguistic, and cardiovascular patterns," IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 28(3), 2024, 1680-1691.
49. Sarrazin-Gendron, R., Gheidari, P. G., Butyaev, A.,…Borderlands Science Development Team, Borderlands Science Players (BSP), Szantner, A., and Waldispuhl, J. "Improving Microbial Phylogeny with Citizen Science within a Mass-market Video Game," Nature Biotechnology, 2024, April 15. Was one of the top BSP members.
48. Abbasi, A., Chiang, R. H. L., and Xu, J. “Data Science for Social Good,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 24(6), 2023. PDF
47. Somanchi, S., Abbasi, A., Kelley, K., Dobolyi, D., and Yuan, T. “Examining User Heterogeneity in Digital Experiments,” ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 41(4), 2023, no. 100. PDF
46. Seyedi, S., Griner, E., Corbin, L., Jiang, Z. Iacobelli, L., Milloy, A., Boazak, M. Bahrami Rad, A., Abbasi, A., Cotes, R. O., Clifford, G. D. “A Comparison of HIPAA-Compliant Transcription Services for Virtual Psychiatric Interviews,” JMIR Mental Health, 10(1), 2023, e48517. PDF
45. Yang, K., Lau, R. Y. K., and Abbasi, A. “Getting Personal: A Deep Learning Artifact for Text-based Measurement of Personality,” Information Systems Research, 34(1), 2023, pp. 194-222. PDF
44. Ahmad, F., Abbasi, A., Kitchens, B., Adjeroh, D., and Zeng, D. “Deep Learning for Adverse Event Detection from Web Search,” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 34(6), 2022, pp. 2681-2695. PDF
43. Abbasi, A., Dobolyi, D.,Vance, T., and Zahedi, F. M. “The Phishing Funnel Model: A Design Artifact to Predict User Susceptibility to Phishing Websites,” Information Systems Research, 32(2), 2021, pp. 410-436. PDF Appendices
42. Chen, Y., Zahedi, F. M., Abbasi, A., and Dobolyi, D. “Trust Calibration of Security IT Artifacts: A Multi-Domain Study of Phishing-Website Detection Tools,” Information and Management, 58(1), 2021, 103394. PDF
41. Li, J., Larsen, K., and Abbasi, A. “TheoryOn: A Design Framework and System for Unlocking Behavioral Knowledge through Ontology Learning,” MIS Quarterly, 44(4), 2020, pp. 1733-1772. PDF Appendices
40. Li, J., Abbasi, A., Cheema, A., and Abraham, L. “Path to Purpose? How Online Customer Journeys Differ for Hedonic versus Utilitarian Purchases,” Journal of Marketing, 84(4), 2020, pp. 127-146. PDF
39. Ahmad, F., Abbasi, A., Li, J., Dobolyi, D., Netemeyer, R., Clifford, G., and Chen, H. “A Deep Learning Architecture for Psychometric Natural Language Processing,” ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 38(1), 2020, no. 6. PDF
38. Netemeyer, R., Dobolyi, D., Abbasi, A., Clifford, G., and Taylor, H. “Health Literacy, Health Numeracy and Trust in Doctor: Effects on Key Consumer Health Outcomes,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 54(1), 2020, pp. 3-42. PDF
37. Abbasi, A., Li, J., Adjeroh, D., Abate, M., and Zheng W. “Don’t Mention It? Analyzing User-generated Content Signals for Early Adverse Event Warnings,” Information Systems Research, 30(3), 2019, pp. 1007-1028. PDF
36. Abbasi, A., Kitchens, B., and Ahmad, F. “The Risks of AutoML and How to Avoid Them,” Harvard Business Review, October 24, 2019, digital article:
35. Deng, S., Zhang, P., Zhou, Y., and Abbasi, A. “Using Discussion Logic in Analyzing Online Group Discussions: A Text Mining Approach,” Information and Management, 56(4), 2019, pp. 536-551. PDF
34. Abbasi, A., Li, J., Clifford, G. D., and Taylor, H. A, “Make ‘Fairness By Design’ Part of Machine Learning,” Harvard Business Review, August 5, 2018, digital article:
33. Kitchens, B., Dobolyi, D., Li, J., and Abbasi, A. “Advanced Customer Analytics: Strategic Value through Integration of Relationship-Oriented Big Data,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 35(2), 2018, pp. 540-574. PDF
32. Abbasi, A. Zhou, Y., Deng, S., and Zhang, P. “Text Analytics to Support Sense-making in Social Media: A Language-Action Perspective,” MIS Quarterly, 42(2), 2018, pp. 427-464. PDF Appendices
31. Zimbra, D., Abbasi, A., Zeng, D., and Chen, H. “The State-of-the-Art in Twitter Sentiment Analysis: A Review and Benchmark Evaluation,” ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 9(2), 2018, no. 5. PDF
30. Taylor, H. A., Henderson, F., Abbasi, A., and Clifford, G. D., “Cardiovascular Disease in African Americans: Innovative Community Engagement for Research Recruitment and Impact,” American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 72(5)(Supp 1), 2018, S43-S46. PDF
29. Adjeroh, D., Allaga, M., Tan, J., Lin, J., Jiang, Y., Abbasi, A., and Zhou, X. “Feature-Based and String-Based Models for Predicting RNA-Protein Interaction,” Molecules, 23(3), 2018, 697. PDF
28. Abbasi, A., Sarker, S., and Chiang, R. H. L. “Big Data Research in Information Systems: Toward an Inclusive Research Agenda,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 17(2), no. 3, 2016. PDF
27. Zahedi, F. M., Abbasi, A., and Chen, Y. “Fake-Website Detection Tools: Identifying Design Elements that Promote Individuals’ Use and Enhance their Performance,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 16(6), 2015, pp. 448-484. PDF
26. Abbasi, A., Zahedi, F. M., Zeng, D., Chen, Y., Chen, H., and Nunamaker Jr., J. F. “Enhancing Predictive Analytics for Anti-Phishing by Exploiting Website Genre Information,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 31(4), 2015, pp. 109-157. PDF
25. Abbasi, A., Lau, R. Y. K., and Brown, D. E. “Predicting Behavior,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, 30(3), 2015, pp. 35-43. PDF
24. Brown, D. E., Abbasi, A., and Lau, R. Y. K., “Predictive Analytics: Predictive Modeling at the Micro Level,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, 30(3), 2015, pp. 6-8. PDF
23. Brown, D. E., Abbasi, A., and Lau, R. Y. K., “Predictive Analytics,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, 30(2), 2015, pp. 6-8. PDF
22. Abbasi, A. and Adjeroh, D. “Social Media Analytics for Smart Health,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, 29(2), 2014, pp. 60-64. PDF
21. Adjeroh, D., Beal, R., Abbasi, A., Zheng, W., Abate, M., and Ross, A. “Signal Fusion for Social Media Analysis of Adverse Drug Events,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, 29(2), 2014, pp. 74-80. PDF
20. Benjamin, V., Chung, W., Abbasi, A., Chuang, J., Larson, C. A., and Chen, H. “Evaluating Text Visualization for Authorship Analysis,” Security Informatics, 3(10), 2014.
19. Zhang, Z., Zeng, D., Abbasi, A., Peng, J., and Zheng, X. “A Random Walk Model for Item Recommendation in Social Tagging Systems,” ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 4(2), 2013, no. 8. PDF
18. Abbasi, A., Albrecht, C. C., Vance, A., and Hansen, J. V. “MetaFraud: A Meta-learning Framework for Detecting Financial Fraud,” MIS Quarterly, 36(4), 2012, pp. 1293–1327. PDF Appendices
17. Fu, T., Abbasi, A., Zeng, D., and Chen, H. “Sentimental Spidering: Leveraging Opinion Information in Focused Crawlers,” ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 30(4), 2012, no. 24. PDF
16. Abbasi, A., Zahedi, F. M., and Kaza, S. “Detecting Fake Medical Web Sites using Recursive Trust Labeling,” ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 30(4), 2012, no. 22. PDF
15. Abbasi, A., France, S. L., Zhang, Z., and Chen, H. “Selecting Attributes for Sentiment Classification using Feature Relation Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 23(3), 2011, pp. 447-462. PDF
14. Zimbra, D., Abbasi, A., and Chen, H. “A Cyber-Archaeology Approach to Social Movement Research: Framework and Case Study,” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 16, 2010, pp. 48-70. PDF
13. Abbasi, A. “Intelligent Feature Selection for Opinion Classification,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, 25(4), 2010, pp. 75-79. PDF
12. Abbasi, A., Zhang, Z., Zimbra, D., Chen, H., and Nunamaker Jr., J. F. “Detecting Fake Websites: The Contribution of Statistical Learning Theory,” MIS Quarterly, 34(3), 2010, pp. 435-461, MISQ Best Paper Award for 2010, AIS 5 Best Publications for 2010. PDF
11. Fu, T., Abbasi, A., and Chen, H. “A Focused Crawler for Dark Web Forums,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(6), 2010, pp. 1213-1231. PDF
10. Chen, Y. Abbasi, A., and Chen, H. “Framing Social Movement Identity with Cyber-Artifacts: A Case Study of the International Falun Gong Movement,” Annals of Information Systems, 9, 2010, pp. 1-24. PDF
9. Abbasi, A. and Chen, H. “A Comparison of Tools for Detecting Fake Websites,” IEEE Computer, 42(10), 2009, pp. 78-86. PDF
8. Abbasi, A. and Chen, H. “A Comparison of Fraud Cues and Classification Methods for Fake Escrow Website Detection,” Information Technology and Management, 10(2), 2009, pp. 83-101. PDF
7. Abbasi, A., and Chen, H. “CyberGate: A Design Framework and System for Text Analysis of Computer-Mediated Communication,” MIS Quarterly, 32(4), 2008, pp. 811-837. PDF
6. Abbasi, A., Chen, H., Thoms, S., and Fu, T. “Affect Analysis of Web Forums and Blogs using Correlation Ensembles,” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 20(9), 2008, pp. 1168-1180. PDF
5. Abbasi, A., Chen, H., and Nunamaker Jr., J. F. “Stylometric Identification in Electronic Markets: Scalability and Robustness,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 25(1), 2008, pp. 49-78. PDF
4. Abbasi, A., Chen, H., and Salem, A. “Sentiment Analysis in Multiple Languages: Feature Selection for Opinion Classification in Web Forums,” ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 26(3), 2008, no. 12. PDF
3. Fu, T., Abbasi, A., and Chen, H. “A Hybrid Approach to Web Forum Interactional Coherence Analysis,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(8), 2008, pp. 1195-1209. PDF
2. Abbasi, A., and Chen, H. “Writeprints: A Stylometric Approach to Identity-Level Identification and Similarity Detection in Cyberspace,” ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 26(2), 2008, no. 7. PDF
1. Abbasi, A., and Chen, H. “Applying Authorship Analysis to Extremist-Group Web Forum Messages,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, 20(5), 2005, pp. 67-75. PDF